Ramadân-Mond 1431

Der geozentrische Neumond des Monats Ramadān 1431 n.H. ereignete sich am Dienstag, 10. August 2010 um 5:08 Uhr MESZ.

Erste Sichtungsmeldungen des neuen Mondes sind erst im Laufe des Mittwochnachmittags unserer Zeit erfolgt: So wurde der Hilāl erstmals in Neuseeland und Australien gesichtet. Weitere Sichtungen wurden aus den Philippinen, Indonesien, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi-Arabien, Jordanien, Mauritius, Kenya, Barbados und den USA gemeldet.

Im Hinblich auf die angebliche Sichtung in Saudi-Arabien am 10. August, die nach wissenschaftlichen Kriterien völlig unmöglich war, hier noch einmal ein Erfahrungsbericht eines Mitglieds von ICOUK, Abdul Aziz Raje der sich zum Monatsbeginn in Saudi Arabien aufhielt:

_al-Hamdu li-Llāh I was fortunate enough to join the official Hilal Committee of Makka once again where we also had representatives from King `Abdu l-Aziz City for Science & Technology including Dr `Abdu l-Rahman Maghribi, Representatives from Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Information along with some prominent scholars. We had cloudy / hazy strip along the western horizon so it was impossible to sight the Hilal. even the sun was not visible 30 minutes before sunset. All the dignitaries signed a negative sighting report and was duly faxed to the Authorities in Riyad.

We later found out that none of the other 9 official Hilal Committees in Saudi Arabia had reported a sighting even with the aid of some very powerful telescopes. We were shown Venus and Mars by Dr `Abdu l-Rahman with precise accuracy with the aid of a Meade LX200 telescope but could not sight the Hilal which was on the horizon 11 minutes after sunset at 6.55 p.m. However some Bedouins from Shaqra’ (near Riyad) claimed a sighting through the clouds which the powerful telescopes could not sight. So on their testimony the Holy Month was commenced in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, 11 August._

Quellen: ICOP, moonsighting.com.